A few updates as we get closer to launch 🦄
1. Without a doubt, security audit for the core smart contract (processing orders) will be underway this week, either today or tomorrow. Originally we discussed the audit taking 10–12 days, I got that down to 7 days.
2. The core pieces of UniTrade are already fully functional and complete. The smart contract processing limit orders, buy and burn contract, the processing executor service, frontend is very close to complete now. Everything is looking very promising. All that remains is the staking contract which we’ve already started on and is the final major piece.
3. We are working through frontend fixes, minor bugs, etc that you guys have reported. All of them very easy fixes from what I’ve seen. I see no issues there that would cause a delay.
Next, we have removed fee discounts on the platform for people who hold TRADE. Instead opted for a flat rate of 0.2% fee for everyone.
:moneybag: Finally, there is one more change to the tokenomics. I’ve removed the 10% of fees that would have been going to a developer fund. Instead it’s now going to ETH rewards (staking). 60% of the platform fees will be used to buy TRADE off UniSwap and burn them. The remaining 40% of ETH will go into a pool that rewards TRADE holders for staking.
^ These changes have been updated on the site.
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I see no reason we won’t hit the September 30th deadline and deliver a working product. As I mentioned the only thing that would hold us back, from officially launching, is the audit. If everything comes back perfect and/or very minor issues need addressing then everything will be good to go for the launch at the end of the month. I haven’t “officially” said we are delaying the launch date because I need to see how the audit comes back first… If there was a delay it wouldn’t be by much as it would just pertain to the smart contract. Everything else is ready to go.
I’ll keep you guys updated, but in my mind we are on track with the possibility of a very short delay as the worst case.
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I’m looking at the UniTrade leaderboard site now. Basically it’s a ranking of all token holders with 15 different unique ranks depending on how many TRADE you hold. It’s almost done. I’d say in a couple days that will be live.
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BETA testing link: https://unitradebeta.com/
Testing info: https://t.me/UniTradeApp/69529
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I’m going to announce a major secret addition to UniTrade that I’ve been working on for the last 2 weeks. This will make a lot of people very very happy. In my opinion, this is a game changer that will increase trade volume on UniTrade by a substantial amount
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