Beta Dev Update (Sept 10, 2020)

2 min readSep 11, 2020


🖥 Frontend Development [Progress to date] 🖥

- Global
+ Searching all tokens (name, symbol, contract).
+ Saving recent searches.
+ Pulling in recent global stats (Volume, Transactions, Avg Trade Cost, UniTrade payouts).

- Dashboard Core Functionality
+ Trending Tokens table with all stats and algorithm.
+ All tokens sortable table with all stats and pagination.

- Sidebar
+ Connecting to web3 wallet.
+ Reading balances of all tokens.
+ Navigating to token detail pages.

Token Page Core Functionality
+ Retrieving token data (logo, symbol, name, price, change, website, etc).
+ Pulling in all token liquidity pairs.
+ Calculating recent trading status (volume, largest buys/sells).
+ 2 week candle trading chart and volume chart
+ Order book section styling.
+ My pending orders section styling.
+ Populating all recent trades (buys/sells) with links to etherscan.

Smart Contract [Progress to date] :

- Global
+ Architecture plans and documentation.

- Functions
+ executeOrder (executes a limit order against Uniswap’s liquidity pool if price points are met).
+ cancelOrder (removes an order from the order book).
+ getOrder (returns back all the information related to an order).
+ listOrdersForAddress (returns back all the orders given an address).
+ listActiveOrders (returns back the current orders waiting to be executed).

- Events
+ OrderPlaced (when a new order is added to the smart contract).
+ OrderCanceled (when an order has been canceled and removed from the contract).
+ OrderExecuted (when an order has been successfully fulfilled).

🤖 Order Fulfillment Service App [Progress to date] 🤖
+ Checking for new orders on the smart contract and comparing UniSwap prices to see which orders should be filled.
+ Submitting orders to be processed by the smart contract.

— — — — -

So in short what does all this mean? We are on schedule for the beta tomorrow. The smart contract is already deployed on testnet, the frontend is fully functional, and the fulfillment service is operating. What remains is the actual integration of these elements together.

We have had some setbacks in regards to the team but even with that, the progress we’ve made is honestly incredible. Everything is on track from here. The entire team is committed with development contracts in place to see this thing all the way through.

I’m not sure the exact time for beta tomorrow, as I said we are integrating all this together right now which will overlap into tomorrow as well. For the initial beta period I’m strongly leaning towards only operating on testnet. This smart contract will be holding a lot of funds and even if we put out a disclaimer I don’t want to put anyone’s funds at risk — it would be a bad look for the project overall.

Which leads me into some good news. I’ve been in talks with a very reputable security auditing company that has done work for some big names in crypto. Getting this seal of approval / security audit will give a lot of people confidence in what we’ve built. Signed paperwork today, they are reviewing architectural docs now, I should be able to give you guys more info about it next week.




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