Quick dev update!
We’ve completed the changes to the order book smart contract following Solidified security audit suggestions. I resubmitted the updated version for them to do a final review today. Will let you know when I hear back.
Leaderboard site is also live now at https://leaderboard.unitrade.info/ — This is a ranking of all the TRADE holders. You can connect your wallet and input a custom username if you’d like but not necessary. For 20k+ TRADE holders we are still integrating a Telegram bot that will auto invite / uninvite members depending on your balance. Haven’t started working on the auto invite bot for elite chat yet as we are really focused on the platform launch right now.
All the bugs/suggestions that were found in the beta version have been fixed now. I’m doing more testing with the team today to do the final review.
Development on the APP version of the site is also going really well (the separate UI version). The infrastructure is in place, connecting wallet, searching tokens, populating data, and translations are in place. This is still on ongoing development project that still has a ways to go but just giving you guys the update on it.
Everything is looking great! The UniTrade smart contract — fully audited and secure — is going to have orders being placed and fulfilled very soon!