UniTrade ready for testing on BSC!
BSC bridge to convert TRADE to Binance Smart Chain is about 50% complete.
We deployed smart contracts. Now we are working on a frontend so you guys can connect a wallet and make the swap cross chain.
Additionally working on the backend component for process the swaps as well.
The bridge to swap TRADE cross chain is on track to be completed this week
In close talks with the Pancakeswap 🥞 team about getting a syrup pool setup for TRADE on BSC once the bridge is up and running.
Looks very promising and likely to go through. Nothing confirmed yet, still discussing the details 🤝
And finally the best news,
UniTrade BSC application testing will start TODAY
Our private beta group will finally be able to go through and test UniTrade limit orders on Binance Smart Chain.
We will gather feedback, see if any minor issues need to be fixed and release for everyone very soon. I suspect the next week.
Everything is moving forward, as promised, it’s taken a little time but we’re going to get there.